

Club favourite, Adam Theobald, has answered the call to take on the role of Chairman of Sydney University Cricket Club for 2018-19 after Max Bonnell chose to not seek re-election at last night's AGM.

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Bonnell, a stalwart of the club awarded a University Gold in 2017, had flagged his intention during the last season, after a successful three years in the role. The Club thanks Max for his tenure and looks forward to reading many more Milestone Mondays in 2018-19!

Joining the Club in 1999, Theobald boasts an impressive record on the field, sitting 5th in the Club's all-time runscorers list with 8,191 runs. Runs aside, 'Theo' has been a key driver on the Board for many years and has been vital in developing a professional portfolio of sponsors and events. Well liked and respected, 'Theo' will bring a fresh outlook to the operation of the Board in 2018-19 and we wish him the best in the role.

Also new to the Board for 2018-19 include Tom Kierath, who steps into the vacant Vice President (Marketing & Memberships) portfolio; 1st Grade all-rounder, Hayden Kerr, as Honorary Treasurer; and Vince Umbers who takes on the Club Captain role.

Returning to the Board are Mark Faraday, Ben Joy, Phil Logan, Dale Bryant and Josh Toyer, whilst we expect a number of co-opted Board roles to be confirmed at the next Board meeting.

Club Patron, Alan Crompton OAM, and Club President, Bruce Collins QC, were again invited to accept their respective roles in 2018-19.

2nd Grade premiers from 2014-15, Adam Theobald, Tom Kierath, Ben Joy and Josh Toyer form a key part of the Board in 2018-19

2nd Grade premiers from 2014-15, Adam Theobald, Tom Kierath, Ben Joy and Josh Toyer form a key part of the Board in 2018-19

The meeting welcomed Cricket NSW's new Chairman, John Knox, as well as Sydney Cricket Association Chairman, Andrew Falk, both of whom presented updates on their respective organisations.

The Club's 155th Annual General Meeting was the most well-supported in recent memory with many current players, past players and parents in attendance (perhaps most attending for the wonderful meal provided by Surjits Indian Restaurant afterwards).

Anyone interested in receiving a copy of the Club's Annual Report should contact Dale Bryant at

We look forward to what is shaping up as a huge season both on and off the field in 2018-19.

Big pre-season news!!!

Big pre-season news!!!

Big news as we launch our pre-season

Welcome one and all to Sydney Uni Cricket Club for the 2018-19 season. We have been working hard during the off-season to ensure we are able to provide an environment for our members to grow and be successful.

New Director of Cricket: Cameron Borgas

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We are very proud to announce that Cameron Borgas has joined the Club as our new Director of Cricket for 2018-19 and 2019-20.

Bringing a wealth of experience, both playing and coaching, Cameron will be a wonderful addition to the Club as we aim to raise the standards that have seen us earn the reputation as the most successful club of the last 15 years.

With plenty of knowledge gained from 13 years of professional cricket with South Australia, Adelaide Strikers, Sydney Thunder, Scotland and the Netherlands (fun fact of the day: Cameron has represented three countries including Australia at the Hong Kong Sixes), Cam will be able to provide plenty of insights from a high performance perspective.

Cameron has also held the position of Director of Cricket and Head Coach with Adelaide Uni Cricket Club for the past three seasons, which culminated with the club claiming the prestigious Cricket Australia Premier Club of the Year in 2017-18.

Join us in welcoming Cameron on board, and we wish him every success as we seek glory in 2018-19.

Pre-season 2018-19

Our pre-season is scheduled to commence on Tuesday 24th July.

Returning players are invited to attend sessions on Tuesday 24th July and 31st July at the Martin-Lambert Indoor Nets from 7.30pm to 9.30pm. 

New Players are invited to attend 'New Player Trials' on Thursday 26th July and 2nd August at the Martin-Lambert Indoor Nets from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.

To help us prepare the best possible program and training sessions, we'd like to hear whether you intend on playing for Sydney Uni Cricket Club for 2018-19. If you intend to play for the Club, please click the relevant link below and submit a response.

A.W. Green Shield Trials 2018-19

A.W. Green Shield Trials 2018-19

A.W. Green Shield Trials 2018-19

Thank you all for your patience as we develop the best possible program we can for the A.W. Green Shield for 2018-19.

Firstly, we'd like to announce that the coach for our Green Shield squad for this season will be Darius Visser. Darius is an experienced Premier Cricket player and has played 1st Grade for both Sydney Uni and St George. Darius is a product of our Green Shield and Poidevin-Gray system, so knows the opportunities and challenges that will face the squad. He is a high quality leg-spinning all-rounder and an athletic fielder. Following injuries during 2017-18, Darius will be taking a season off from cricket and will be devoting his energies into creating a strong Green Shield program for the Club.

Secondly, we'd like to announce our trial dates for 2018-19. They will be on Sunday 8th, 15th and 22nd July 2018 from 9.00am to 1.00pm at the Martin Lambert Indoor Nets in the TAG Family Foundation Grandstand (click here for the map link). 

We will be running indoor sessions and fielding sessions throughout the day.

If you have not already, please ensure you complete the 'Register your Interest Form' prior to attending by clicking here

We look forward to seeing you at the trials!

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2018

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2018

We advise all of our members that our Annual General Meeting for 2018 will be held on Tuesday 17th July 2018 at the SUSFC Function Room, Level 1, TAG Family Foundation Grandstand (formerly No. 2 Oval) from 6.45pm.

Click here for the notice and agenda.

As always, all Board positions will be vacated and we will be seeking nominations for the following roles:

  • Chairman
  • Vice-President (Finance & Administration)
  • Vice-President (Operations)
  • Vice-President (Marketing & Memberships)
  • Honorary Secretary
  • Honorary Treasurer (must be a current student)
  • Club Captain
  • 1 x NSWCA Delegate
  • 2 x SCA Delegates

Click here to download the nomination form for these roles.

Surjits will be catering the AGM and some drinks will be provided. Therefore, we ask for you to register your intention to attend so that we can cater appropriately.

We remember... H N MacLaurin

We remember... H N MacLaurin

In this occasional series, James Rodgers recalls members of the Sydney University Cricket Club who served in the Great War 100 years ago.

Lt Colonel Henry Normand MacLaurin was born in Sydney 31 October 1878 and killed at Gallipoli 27 April 1915.

MacLaurin is remembered at Gallipoli by a landmark called ‘MacLaurin’s Hill’.

He was a highly successful barrister, active in the militia forces when he enlisted on 15 August 1914, almost as soon as war was declared.

Tony  Cunneen, who has done invaluable research into lawyers’ service in the Great War, has written about the NSW legal profession:

         ‘While they were certainly members of what the historian Manning Clark called the ‘comfortable classes’ they were also willing to forgo the security and safety of that class and give all their support to the cause of national identity and honour on the battle fields on the other side of the world.’

MacLaurin played only two seasons for Sydney University CC.  In 1896-97, after scoring only 44 runs at 7.3 in 2nd Grade, he was inexplicably promoted to 1st Grade (1st Grade cap number 53) where he played another two games without distinction. In the season when the Club was readmitted on humbling terms to the Grade Competition in 1898-99, MacLaurin was selected in 1st Grade  twice more. An energetic 54 was followed by a non-descript 5 and he played no more.

His father, Sir Henry Normand MacLaurin (1835-1914), a Scotsman, was Chancellor of the University of Sydney from 1896 until his death. He was also President of the Legislative Council, the Upper House of the NSW Parliament. A dominant figure in conservative politics, he was nevertheless admirably open to fresh educational ideas, especially those brought forward by the NSW Labor Government of 1910 which related to the reform of the Senate of the University. His second son, named after his father, was educated at Blair Lodge School at Polmont in Scotland and then at Sydney Grammar School. Two other sons, Charles and Hugh both served in the War.

After graduation BA in 1899 and admission to the NSW Bar,  MacLaurin carried on his work as a barrister from 11 Wentworth Chambers in Elizabeth St, specialising in accountancy. He also pursued a military career. Commissioned in the NSW Scottish Rifles in 1899, he eventually rose to command the 26th Infantry Regiment in July 1913. When he enlisted in the AIF, he was immediately appointed Lieutenant Colonel, commanding the 1st Infantry Brigade, a force of 4000 men. At 36 years of age, he was young for such responsibility but he wisely chose more experienced men to command battalions under him.

In a letter to  Justice David Ferguson (whose son, Arthur, a Law student who had also been to Sydney Grammar, was killed in France in 1916)  in March 1915, MacLaurin confided that rumours of the soldiers’ bad behaviour in Cairo had been exaggerated.

          ‘With 20,000 men it can be easily seen that some would play up for a bit while their money lasted…’

He stood up for his men, attacking those civilians who were ‘doubtful and dissatisfied and critical’. Their accounts were ‘false and malicious’. Although he was a stern disciplinarian, he had a fine reputation among his men who respected his energy and enthusiasm especially when they trained under him in Egypt.

When orders of the landing at Gallipoli came through, MacLaurin was said to have ‘happily cancelled his leave and bounded smiling up the stairs to the General’s office to plan the attack.’ (Cunneen).

During the afternoon of 27 April 1915, at about 3.15 pm, MacLaurin ‘was standing on the slopes of the ridge that now bears his name… in the act of warning soldiers to keep under cover when he too was shot dead…MacLaurin was buried by his men where he fell.’ In 1919, he was reinterred at the 4th Battalion Parade Ground Cemetery. He was posthumously promoted to Brigadier General.

He was the fifth of the 337 from Sydney Grammar who were  killed or who died in the War. An extraordinary 2172 ‘Old Sydneians’ enlisted. (I am indebted to Dr Philip Creagh who has carried out painstaking and forensic analysis of the Old Sydneians who enlisted). There was widespread grief among the legal profession. A ceremonial service was held at the Banco court and special mention was made in the minutes of the Bar Association.

He was the first of the Club’s former players to be killed.

CEW Bean wrote of him:

           ‘…a man of lofty ideals, direct, determined, with a certain inherited Scottish dourness…but an educated man of action of the finest type that the Australian universities produce.’


James Rodgers



Want to work at Sydney Uni Cricket?

Want to work at Sydney Uni Cricket?

Do you have a passion for cricket? Do you have high level playing and coaching experience? Do you enjoy shaping and guiding the next generation of cricketers to succeed on- and off-the-field? Want to work for one of the most successful Premier Cricket outfits in Australia?

Sydney University Cricket Club is excited to release our coaching staff positions for the 2018-19 season.

We are currently hiring to fill the following roles, please click to view a Position Description for each:

Should you have any questions regarding these roles, please contact our General Manager, Dale Bryant, via email at 

To apply for these roles, please send a cover letter (1-page) and resume (no more than 4-pages) addressed to Dale Bryant, General Manager, c/-

Applications close C.O.B on Monday 7th May 2018.


Sir Eric McClintock died peacefully on 27 March aged 99. He played for the Club in 1938-39. A more detailed obituary will appear in the 2017-18 Annual Report.

This leaves Kendal Binns, Greg Scahill and Bert Alderson, who will all turn 94 this year, as the Club’s oldest former players.