Edward Bean ‘Ted’ Le Couteur

Ted Le Couteur died in Sydney on 6th June, two days before his 83rd birthday.

Ted came to the University from Gordon DCC and North Sydney High in 1959. He had represented Combined High Schools in his final year at School.

He went into St Paul’s College and became part of the SUCC, never really leaving.

He was Club Hon Secretary for two years in the early 1960’s, including the Centenary Season, and became a 1st and Second Grade player for us.

He also played Inter College, Inter Faculty, Intervarsity and all sorts of other social fixtures.

He graduated in Arts Law.

At the Club he has been a Vice President since 1965, a Life Member since 1996, a University Gold Awardee, and was a driving force behind the establishment and running of the SUCC Foundation from 1989. After his grade cricket finished he became an active member of the University Vets.

In some respects no individual has ever done more for our Club.

A more complete obituary will will appear in the SUCC Annual Report but we extend our sympathy to his children John, Catherine and Michael and his sister Anne.