Greg SCAHILL celebrated his 98th birthday on 22 June. The Club joins in the celebration for our second oldest former player. (Kendal Binns will turn 100 in March next year). 

Greg played for SUCC from 1941 until 1944. He studied Engineering and served in the Australian Army. He then turned out  for the Veterans until the 1970s. 

He is a former President of the Club (1973-1976), a Vice President since 1972 and a Life Member since 1977. He still retains a close interest in the Club. 

When he was President, he gave great practical assistance to the Club even coming out of retirement to play two games when 5ths were struggling for numbers during the holidays. 

Greg was much in demand as an after dinner speaker at Club functions. His self-deprecating humour and breadth of knowledge  were always much appreciated and fondly remembered. 

James Rodgers