GREG SCAHILL 1924-2022

The month after celebrating his 98th birthday, Greg Scahill has died. He was the second oldest of all those who played for the Club. Greg's teammate in the Veterans' XI, Kendal Binns, is 99. 

A more comprehensive obituary will follow shortly but we should acknowledge Greg for whom the University and our Club were so significant. 

Greg played for the Club during the Second World War when he was studying Engineering and before he enlisted. He then graced the Club's Veterans until the 1970s. His reports on the Vets' unlikely activities and his self-deprecating after dinner speaking were much sought after. 

Greg was elected as a Vice President of the Club from 1972; he served as President from 1973 until 1976; he was elected as a Life Member in 1977 and he was a Life Member of the SUCC Foundation. 

The Club's deepest sympathy is extended to Greg's surviving family, his son John and his daughter Louise.