Mike Pawley played for SUCC for seven seasons from 1962 until 1969 during which he studied and graduated BSc, Dip Ed. During that time he took 234 wickets for the Club in 1st Grade as a left arm orthodox spinner. He’s ninth on the list of all-time wicket takers in Grade (Premier) cricket for the Club. After graduation, he went back to Manly and represented NSW in eleven games. From 1962 until 1983, Mike took 606 wickets at 16.4 in 1st Grade for his two clubs.

He is highly respected in NSW as a coach and sports store owner. In recent years, he’s done much needed and generous work in Cambodia among those who need us most.

In the last week, Mike has reflected on his time with University, a time which he cherishes.

“We have plenty to be grateful for through our participation in Sydney University Cricket.

The sheer joy of playing cricket on University Oval , and the innocent yet mischievous fun that was associated with that.

We played cricket for the right reasons then.

I hear from Bert Alderson [ his University 1st Grade captain] and Doug Alderson still.   Bert…now resides near Ballina where he has a morning coffee every day in the town square  if you are ever near there.   In his middle 90s (Bert turned 97 last December], he still has a sharp mind.   He was a very very good man , and Sydney University was so lucky to have him as its leader. 

When I look at the chapters of my life, those days in the early 60s shared with all of you and others still holds a very special place in my heart and in my mind.

happy days   Mike”

James Rodgers