Dear SUCC Members and Supporters,

We hereby provide notice that the Annual General Meeting of Sydney University Cricket Club is to be held on Wednesday 24 July 2019 at The Toxteth Hotel, Glebe Point Road, Glebe from 6.30pm.

This year's AGM will undoubtedly be the most important one in recent memory with a number of significant items to be discussed. We emplore anyone who feels passionate about the future of SUCC to attend.

The agenda for the meeting will be:

  1. Chairman's Address

  2. Annual Report and Financial Statements

  3. Election of Office Bearers

  4. Incorporation Update:

    • SUSF Incorporation

    • Importance of SUCC Incorporation

  5. Infrastructure Needs & Funding

  6. Vice-President Appointments

  7. General Business

The Club will be providing libations throughout the evening to ensure we are all well hydrated during such an important meeting.

Also, please join us for our first major event of the 2019-20 season at…