Brian Stanley Nicholson died 21 June, aged 91

Brian Stanley Nicholson died 21 June, aged 91

Mr Nicholson played for SUCC in the 1950s as a left arm medium pace bowler and for the Veterans’ XI during the 1960s, 1970s and1980s. 

A more comprehensive obituary will follow. 

James Rodgers

Incorporation of Sydney University Cricket Club

Incorporation of Sydney University Cricket Club

Incorporation of Sydney University Cricket Club

At the Annual General Meeting on 3 August 2023, the members of the Sydney University Cricket Club will be asked to vote on the following resolution:

That, by special resolution:

1                     There shall be an entity incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act (NSW) 2009, named Sydney University Cricket Club Incorporated (the “Incorporated Club”);

2                     The Constitution of the Incorporated Club shall be in the form of the draft constitution accompanying the notice of this meeting;

3                     The unincorporated association currently known as the Sydney University Cricket Club (the “Unincorporated Club”) shall be dissolved; and

4                     All assets and liabilities of the Unincorporated Club shall, upon its dissolution, be transferred to, and assumed by, the Incorporated Club.


Explanatory note

This note explains the reasons why this resolution is being put to the Annual General Meeting.

Along with all other University of Sydney clubs, SUCC has received the consent and approval from Sydney University Sport and Fitness (SUSF) to convert from an unincorporated association, to an incorporated association pursuant to the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW). The change in structure will mean that SUCC will become a separate legal entity, and not merely a collection of individuals.

At the Annual General Meeting of the Sydney University Cricket Club, a motion will be put to incorporate the club and adopt a new constitution.  The Club’s Board recommends that members vote in favour of the motion.  This memorandum sets out the reasons for this change and explains aspects of the new constitution.

The proposed new constitution has been reviewed and consented to by SUSF and Cricket NSW, is a best practice model constitution, and complies in all respects with the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW).

Reasons for incorporation

A summary of the benefits and disadvantages becoming an incorporated association, or remaining as an unincorporated association


The basic difference between an unincorporated and an incorporated association is that the law does not regard an unincorporated association as having any separate legal identity.  Legally, an unincorporated association is no more than a group of individuals who have rights and obligations as between themselves, which are determined by the rules that they agree to be bound by.


The main benefits of incorporation are:





Limitation of liability and separate legal personality

An unincorporated association cannot be sued as an entity in itself, which means the members of the club can be held as personally liable.

An incorporated association is a separate legal entity which is capable of being sued. The members of an incorporated club are not individually liable for wrongs done by the club (however committee/Board Members and officers of the club may still be exposed to personal liability in circumstances where they are involved in serious breaches of their duties to the club, such as dishonestly gaining personal advantage).

The material risk is therefore shifted from the committee members and representatives of the club to a corporate vehicle.


Ability to hold property

An incorporated association can own property. Its position in this regard is like a company or an individual. Persons wishing to give property to the incorporated association simply transfer the property to it and the incorporated association becomes the owner of the property. The members of the incorporated association do not have any interest in that property.

Because unincorporated associations have no legal personality, they cannot own property. This means the club’s property is either owned by the members jointly or is held on trust. Both these methods create various practical and legal difficulties.


Ability to enter into contracts

Incorporated associations can enter into and enforce contracts in their own name. Unincorporated associations cannot. If the members of an unincorporated association wish to enter into or be bound by a contract it is necessary for them do so through an individual or individuals. This creates numerous difficulties.

For example, it is sometimes the case that a contract on behalf of a club will be entered into by a member of its committee of management. If the member wishes to leave the club, the contract will have to be novated or a new contract entered into. The counterparty may not agree to this. Further, it will be necessary to satisfy the counterparty that the contract will bind the members of the club in a meaningful way.

SUSF Affiliation Agreement

Whereas, an affiliation agreement entered into by an incorporated club would be managed by the board of that club as it was constituted from time to time. Changes in the composition of that board would not affect the existence of, rights or obligations under that agreement.

Ability to receive grants

Most government sports and infrastructure grants require applicants to be incorporated entities.



Whilst the Board holds the belief that the advantages of incorporation outweigh the disadvantages, it is important to highlight what the disadvantages may be. The main disadvantages of incorporation are set out in the table below.




Office holder obligations

Committee/Board members and officers of an incorporated club are subject to equitable and common law fiduciary duties, including a duty to act in good faith and in the best interests of the club and to act for a proper purpose. If office holders breach these duties they may be subject to civil and criminal penalties. This obviously can also be seen as a benefit.

Whilst this is expressed to be a disadvantage, it is almost certainly the case that officeholders of an unincorporated association owe certain duties to members, and in some cases these duties may be more onerous than they would be if they were those of an officer of an incorporated club. However these duties in an unincorporated context are less clearly defined, and would be much more dependent on the facts of a specific situation.



Incorporation requires payment of registration fees, ongoing annual fees and compliance costs that are greater than the compliance costs for unincorporated associations.


Financial reporting requirements

An incorporated association must prepare annual financial statements and reports, which may require independent auditing depending on the size of the association. These reporting obligations are more onerous than those of an unincorporated association, and will be subject to the associated costs for preparation and lodgement of the financial reports. This obviously can also be seen as a benefit.


It is the Board’s opinion that the benefits of incorporation significantly outweigh the disadvantages.

The proposed new constitution

The purpose and effect of the provisions of the proposed new constitution are set out in the table below.






Name of the club

No change from the current constitution.







Objects of the Club

No material change



Powers of the club


The only material change is that the Club is to have the powers of an incorporated entity.



Affiliation Agreement

This change is required to reflect the SUSF requirement that clubs enter into Affiliation Agreements with SUSF.




The categories of member reflect the requirements of the SUSF Affiliation Agreement.



Application for Membership

This paragraph expands upon the provisions of paragraph 4 of the current Constitution, to reflect SUSF requirements and the requirements for incorporated entities.



Register of Members

This reflects the requirements for incorporated associations.



Effect of membership


This provision clarifies the relationship between the club and its members, and the rights of members.



Discontinuance of membership

This provision sets out the circumstances in which a person ceases to be a member of the club.





This provision is substantially similar to paragraph 64 of the current Constitution.



Subscription and fees


This provision is substantially similar to paragraph 4 of the current Constitution.



Transitional provisions

This clause provides for the smooth transition for the club, from an unincorporated association to an incorporated entity.  Essentially it provides that office-bearers, Vice-Presidents and Life Members of the unincorporated club will hold the same positions when the new entity is created.



Powers of the Board


This provision is substantially similar to paragraph 35 of the current Constitution.



Composition of the Board

This provision is substantially similar to paragraph 10 of the current Constitution.



Elected Board Members


This provision is substantially similar to paragraphs 12 and 13 of the current Constitution.



Appointed Board Members

This is a new provision which clarifies the qualifications sought in appointed Board members, and the term for which they may be appointed.



Vacancies on the Board


This provision is substantially similar to paragraph 32 of the current Constitution.



Meetings of the Board

This provision is substantially similar to paragraphs 24 to 29 of the current Constitution.  It includes a new provision allowing the Board to meet remotely using a form of technology approved by the Board.





This is a new provision which empowers the Board to delegate specific duties to individuals or sub-committees.



SUSF Approval

This provision gives effect to the SUSF Affiliation Agreement and sets out the matters which the Club may not undertake without approval of SUSF.



Seal, colours and crest

This is a new provision, enabling the club to utilise a corporate seal, and clarifying the colours and crest of the Club.



Annual General Meeting

This provision is substantially similar to paragraph 13 of the current Constitution.



Special General Meetings

This provision is substantially similar to paragraph 14 of the current Constitution.



Notice of General Meeting

This provision is substantially similar to paragraph 16 of the current Constitution, except that the time for notice is increased from 14 days to 21 days.




This is a new provision, which clarifies the business that may be transacted at a general meeting.



Notices of Motion

This is a new provision, enabling members entitled to vote to submit notices of motion prior to a general meeting.



Procedures at General Meetings

This provision is substantially similar to paragraphs 18 to 22 of the current Constitution.



Voting at General Meeting

This provision is substantially similar to paragraphs 20 to 22 of the current Constitution.



Grievance procedure

This is a new provision, providing a mechanism for the resolution of grievances within the Club.




This is a new provision, clarifying the manner in which Club funds are to be raised and handled.



Records and Accounts

This is a new provision, establishing clear guidance on record-keeping for the Club.




This provision now reflects the statutory requirements for an incorporated entity.



Financial year

This provision identifies the Club’s financial year.




This provision further clarifies the manner in which, and purposes for which, the Club’s income may be used.



Winding Up

This provision explains the effect of a winding up of the Club.



Distribution of property on winding up

This provision explains that, if there is a surplus of assets following a winding up of the Club, that property shall be transferred to SUSF.



Alteration of Constitution

This clause provides for the means by which the Constitution may be altered.




This clause empowers the Board to create Regulations binding on members of the Club (in the same way as the present club has by-laws).



Status and Compliance of the Club

This is a new provision, which acknowledges the Club’s relationships with other sporting bodies.




This provision explains how notices are to be provided by the Club.




This clause provides that Board members are to be indemnified by the Club for their actions carried out in their capacity as Board members, except where there has been wilful misconduct, gross negligence or fraud.



Reserve powers

This provision is required by SUSF and empowers SUSF to investigate alleged impropriety within the Club.




This provision empowers the Board to invite individuals to serve as Patron of the Club.




Draft Sydney University Cricket Club Incorporated Constitution



Sydney University Cricket Club Incorporated


Table of Contents

1.      NAME OF CLUB. 4





6.      MEMBERS. 7





11.    DISCIPLINE. 11









20.    DELEGATIONS. 19

21.    SUSF APPROVAL. 20





26.    BUSINESS. 22





31.    FUNDS. 25


33.    AUDITOR. 26


35.    INCOME. 27

36.    WINDING UP. 27



39.    REGULATIONS. 28


41.    NOTICE. 28

42.    INDEMNITY. 29


44.    PATRONS. 29




1.            NAME OF CLUB

The name of the Club is Sydney University Cricket Club (Club).


2.1          Definitions

In this Constitution, unless the contrary intention appears:

Act means the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW).

Affiliation Agreement means the affiliation agreement entered into between the Club and SUSF (if any).

Appointed Board Member means an individual appointed to the Board pursuant to clause 17.

Board means the body managing the Club and consisting of the Board Members.

Board Member means a member of the Board and includes any person acting in that capacity from time to time appointed in accordance with this Constitution.

Chairperson means the President, or any individual appointed to act as chairperson in accordance with clause 19.6.

Clubs Advisory Committee has the meaning given to that term in the constitution of SUSF.

Community Member means a Member who is not a University Member, Junior Member or Honorary Life Member. This includes affiliates and alumni of the University.

Constitution means this Constitution of the Club.

Elected Board Members means the President, Treasurer, Secretary and any other individuals elected to the Board pursuant to clause 16.

General Manager means the person employed by the Club to hold the position of General Manager from time to time, or equivalent position as the case may be.

General Meeting means the annual general meeting or any special general meeting of the Club.

Honorary Life Member means an individual appointed as an honorary life member of the Club under clause 6.2.

Intellectual Property means all rights subsisting in copyright, business names, names, trademarks (or signs), logos, designs, equipment including computer software, images (including photographs, videos or films) or service marks relating to the Club or any activity of or conducted, promoted or administered by the Club.

Junior Member means a Member who is aged 17 years or younger.

Member means an individual admitted as a member of the Club in accordance with clause 7, including:

(a)           University Members;

(b)           Junior Members;

(c)           Honorary Life Members; and

(d)           Community Members.

SUSF Annual Member means a person who is registered with SUSF for purposes of participating in sporting activities and using SUSF facilities.

NSO means the National Sporting Organisation for the Sport, being Cricket Australia.

Objects means the objects of the Club as set out in clause 3.

Patron means an individual appointed to the position of Patron in accordance with Clause 44.

President means an individual appointed to the position of President in accordance with clause 16.

Public Officer means the individual appointed to be the public officer of the Club in accordance with the Act (who, unless the Board determines otherwise, shall be the General Manager, when there is a General Manager).

Register means a register of Members kept and maintained in accordance with clause 8.

Regulations means any rules, by-laws or regulations made by the Board under clause 39.

RSO means the Regional Sporting Organisation for the Sport, being the Sydney Cricket Association. 

Special Resolution means a Special Resolution as defined in the Act.

Sport means the sport of cricket.

SSO means the State Sport Organisation for the Sport, being Cricket NSW.

Student means a person currently admitted to candidature in an award course at the University of Sydney.

SUSF means Sydney University Sport and Fitness Limited, trading as Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness.

Unincorporated Association means the unincorporated association of the same or similar name to the Club, which existed immediately before the incorporation of the Club under the Act and whose members were the same or similar to the initial Members of the Club.

University means The University of Sydney.

University Member means a Member who is a Student of the University, or a full-time, part-time or casual staff member of the University or of SUSF.

2.2          Interpretation

In this Constitution:

(a)           a reference to a function includes a reference to a power, authority and duty;

(b)           a reference to the exercise of a function includes, where the function is a power, authority or duty, a reference to the exercise of the power or authority or the performance of the duty;

(c)           words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa;

(d)           words importing any gender include the other genders;

(e)           references to persons include natural persons, corporations, universities, partnerships, associations, governmental or local authorities, or bodies politic;

(f)            references to a person include the legal personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns of that person;

(g)           a reference to a statute, ordinance, code or other law includes regulations and other statutory instruments under it and consolidations, amendments, re-enactments or replacements of any of them (whether of the same or any legislative authority having jurisdiction); and

(h)           a reference to "writing" shall unless the contrary intention appears, be construed as including references to printing, lithography, photography and other modes of representing or reproducing words in a visible form, including messages sent by electronic mail.

2.3          Severance

If any provision of this Constitution or any phrase contained in it is invalid or unenforceable, the phrase or provision is to be read down if possible, so as to be valid and enforceable, and otherwise shall be severed to the extent of the invalidity or unenforceability, without affecting the remaining provisions of this Constitution.

2.4          The Act

Except where the contrary intention appears, in this Constitution, an expression that deals with a matter under the Act has the same meaning as it is given under the Act. The model constitution under the Act is expressly displaced by this Constitution.

3.            OBJECTS OF THE CLUB

The Club is a not-for-profit sports club of SUSF and is established solely for the Objects. The Objects of the Club are to:

(a)           act, at all times, on behalf of and in the interest of the Members;

(b)           encourage, foster, promote, develop and extend the Sport at all levels within the University and the broader community;

(c)           if appropriate, subscribe to, become a member of, and co-operate with, any other organisation or association whose objects are altogether or in part similar to those of the Club;

(d)           promote the health and wellbeing of the Members as well as the Sport within the University and the broader communities through the provision of sport and recreational activities; and

(e)           do all such things or activities which are necessary, incidental or conducive to the advancement of these objects.

4.            POWERS OF THE CLUB

(a)           The Club has the rights, powers and privileges conferred on it under section 19 of the Act.

(b)           The Club shall have the power to carry out the Objects in accordance with this Constitution, subject to any Affiliation Agreement, the constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations of SUSF.


(a)           The Club, in exercising its powers under this Constitution, must act in accordance with the Affiliation Agreement.

(b)           Any act, decision, discretion or power exercised by the Club will be invalid if:

i.              the act, decision, discretion or power is not compliant with the terms of the Affiliation Agreement;

ii.             SUSF has notified the Club in writing of the relevant non-compliance with the Affiliation Agreement; and

iii.            the Club has not remedied the non-compliance with the Affiliation Agreement within 2 weeks of receiving the notice from SUSF.

(c)           If the Affiliation Agreement is terminated, the Club name must be changed to remove any reference to the University or SUSF.

6.            MEMBERS

6.1          Members

The Members shall consist of:

(a)           University Members, who subject to this Constitution, shall have the right to:

(i)            receive notice of General Meetings; and

(ii)           be present, debate and vote at General Meetings;

(b)           Community Members, who subject to this Constitution, shall have the right to:

(i)            receive notice of General Meetings; and

(ii)           be present, debate and vote at General Meetings;

(c)           Honorary Life Members, who subject to this Constitution and the constitution of SUSF, shall have the right to:

(i)            receive notice of General Meetings; and

(ii)           be present, debate and vote at General Meetings;

(d)           Junior Members, who subject to this Constitution, shall have no right to:

(i)            receive notice of General Meetings; or

(ii)           be present or debate or vote at General Meetings; and

(e)           Vice Presidents, who subject to this Constitution, shall have the rights of Community Members.

6.2          Honorary Life Members

(a)           The Board may recommend to the annual General Meeting that any natural person who has rendered distinguished service to the Club be appointed as an Honorary Life Member.

(b)           A resolution of the annual General Meeting to confer honorary life membership (subject to clause 6.2(c)) on the recommendation of the Board must be a Special Resolution.

(c)           A person must accept or reject the Club's resolution to confer honorary life membership in writing. Upon written acceptance, the person's details shall be entered into the Register, and from the time of entry into the Register the person shall be an Honorary Life Member.

(d)           All persons who are, prior to the approval of this Constitution under the Act, honorary life members of the Club shall be deemed Honorary Life Members from the time of approval of this Constitution under the Act.

6.3          Vice Presidents

(a)           The Board may recommend to the annual General Meeting that any natural person who has rendered distinguished service to the Club be appointed as a Vice President.

(b)           A resolution of the annual General Meeting to elect a person a Vice president (subject to clause 6.2(c)) on the recommendation of the Board must be a Special Resolution.

(c)           All persons who are, prior to the approval of this Constitution under the Act, Vice Presidents of the Club shall be deemed Vice presidents from the time of approval of this Constitution under the Act

6.4          Rights of Members

Except for the rights of Members set out in clause 6.1, the Board may determine from time to time the benefits, advantages, privileges and services associated with each category of Member set out in clause 6.1.


7.1          Application for Membership

(a)           An application for membership (Membership Application) must be:

(i)            in writing in the form prescribed from time to time by the Board (if any), completed by the applicant or its nominated representative and lodged with the Club;

(ii)           accompanied by the appropriate membership fee (if any); and

(iii)          accompanied by evidence that the applicant is a Member of SUSF.

(b)           By applying, an applicant acknowledges and agrees that they voluntarily agree to be bound by the rules, regulations and policies of the Club (as well as those of SUSF, the NSO, SSO and RSO, if any) including, without limitation, this Constitution.

7.2          Direction to accept or reject Membership Application

(a)           At any time, the Club may accept or reject a Membership Application whether the applicant has complied with the requirements in clause 7.1 or not. The Club shall not be required or compelled to provide any reason for such acceptance or rejection.

(b)           Where the Club accepts a Membership Application, the Club shall notify the applicant of the acceptance, and the applicant shall be admitted as a Member. Membership shall be deemed to commence upon acceptance of the application by the Club. The Register shall be amended accordingly as soon as practicable.

(c)           Where the Club rejects a Membership Application, the Club shall notify the applicant of the rejection and refund any fees forwarded with the application on a pro-rata basis.

7.3          Annual Membership of SUSF

(a)           All Club Members, other than Honorary Life Members, must be Annual Members of SUSF in order to be eligible to be a Club Member. No Club Member or any other person shall play for or represent the Club in any competition match unless he or she is an Annual Member of SUSF.

(b)           SUSF may accept or reject an Annual Membership application on any grounds it sees fit. SUSF shall not be required or compelled to provide any reason for such acceptance or rejection.

(c)           Where SUSF reject an Annual Membership application, SUSF shall notify the applicant and refund any SUSF Annual Membership fees forwarded with the application.

7.4          Renewal

Members (other than Honorary Life Members) must renew their membership in accordance with the procedures set down by the Club in Regulations from time to time.

7.5          Deemed Membership

All persons who are, prior to the approval of this Constitution under the Act, members of the Club shall be deemed Members from the time of approval of this Constitution under the Act.


8.1          Club to keep Register

(a)           The Club shall keep and maintain a Register in which shall be entered (as a minimum):

(i)            the full name and email address of each Member;

(ii)           the category of membership of the Member;

(iii)          the category of membership of the University Member (eg University or SUSF staff or University student);

(iv)         the date on which the Member became a Member; and

(v)          where applicable, the date of termination of membership of any Member.

(b)           Members shall provide notice of any change and required details to the Club within one month of such change.

8.2          Inspection of Register

Having regard to the Act, confidentiality considerations and privacy laws, an extract of the  Register, excluding the address or other direct contact details of any Member, shall be made available for inspection (but not copying) by Members, upon reasonable request in writing 48 hours in advance.

8.3          Use of Register

Subject to the Act, confidentiality considerations and privacy laws, the Register may be used to further the Objects, in such manner as the Board considers appropriate.


Members acknowledge and agree that:

(a)           this Constitution forms a contract between each of them and the Club and that they are bound by this Constitution and the Regulations;

(b)           they shall comply with and observe this Constitution and the Regulations and any determination, resolution or policy which may be made or passed by the Board or other entity with delegated authority and, provided that there is an Affiliation Agreement in place, SUSF;

(c)           by submitting to this Constitution and the Regulations they are subject to the jurisdiction of the Club, NSO, SSO and RSO;

(d)           the Constitution and Regulations are necessary and reasonable for promoting the Objects and in particular the advancement and protection of the Sport;

(e)           neither membership of the Club nor this Constitution gives rise to:

(i)            any proprietary right of Members in, to or over the Club or its property or assets; or

(ii)           any automatic right of a Member to renewal of their membership of the Club;

(f)            subject to clause 6.3, they are entitled to all benefits, advantages, privileges and services of Club membership; and

(g)           a right, privilege or obligation of a person by reason of their membership of the Club:

(i)            is not capable of being transferred or transmitted to another person; and

(ii)           terminates upon the cessation of membership whether by death, resignation, termination or otherwise.


10.1       Notice of resignation

(a)           A Member of the Club who has paid all arrears of fees payable to the Club may resign or withdraw from membership of the Club by giving one month's notice in writing to the Club. Such resignation shall take effect from the date of receipt of such notice by the Club.

(b)           Once the Club receives a notice of resignation of membership given under clause 10.1(a), it must make an entry in the Register that records the date on which the Member ceased to be a Member.

10.2       Discontinuance for breach

(a)           Membership of the Club may be discontinued by the Board upon breach of any clause of this Constitution or the Regulations, including, but not limited to, the failure to remain a Member of SUSF, the failure to pay any monies owed to the Club, failure to comply with the Regulations or any resolutions or determinations made or passed by the Board or any duly authorised committee.

(b)           Membership shall not be discontinued by the Board under clause 10.2(a) without the Board first giving the accused Member the opportunity to explain the breach and/or remedy the breach.

(c)           Where a Member fails, in the Board's view, to adequately justify the breach, that Member's membership shall be discontinued under clause 10.2(a) by the Club giving written notice of the discontinuance to the Member. The Register shall be amended to reflect any discontinuance of membership under this clause 10.2 as soon as practicable.

10.3       Member to re-apply

A Member whose membership has been discontinued under clauses 10.1 or 10.2:

(a)           must seek renewal or re-apply for membership in accordance with this Constitution, if he or she wishes to be re-admitted as a Member; and

(b)           may be re-admitted at the discretion of the Board.

10.4       Forfeiture of rights

A Member who ceases to be a Member, for whatever reason, shall forfeit all rights in and claims upon the Club and its property, assets and funds and shall not use any property of the Club including Intellectual Property. Any Club documents, records or other property in the possession, custody or control of that Member shall be returned to the Club immediately.

10.5       Membership may be re-instated

Membership which has been discontinued under this clause 10 may be reinstated at the discretion of the Board, with such conditions as it deems appropriate.

11.          DISCIPLINE

(a)           The Board may commence or cause to be commenced disciplinary proceedings against a Board Member or Member who has allegedly:

(i)            wilfully injured or destroyed any property of the Club;

(ii)           been non-compliant with or disobedient of any of the directions of a General Meeting or the Board;

(iii)          acted in a way that is substantially detrimental to the interests of the Club or its Members;

(iv)         conducted himself or herself in a way likely to bring the Club, SUSF or the University into disrepute or financial loss;

(v)          misappropriated any of the funds of the Club;

(vi)         breached, failed, refused or neglected to comply with a provision of this Constitution, the Regulations or any resolution or determination of the Board or any duly authorised committee, or the constitution, rules or policies of SUSF;

(vii)         acted in a manner unbecoming of a Board Member or Member (as applicable), or prejudicial to the purposes and interests of the Club; or

(viii)        brought or would likely bring the Club, any other Member or the Sport into disrepute.

(b)           A duly authorised committee appointed by the Board will conduct a meeting to hear the disciplinary proceedings. For the avoidance of doubt, the committee may consist of the same persons as the Membership Tribunal referred to in clause 11(g).

(c)           A notice in writing shall be given to any Board Member or Member against whom it is proposed to take any action under clause 11(a). The notice must give at least 14 days’ notice prior to the duly authorised committee meeting dealing with the matter. Such a person shall be entitled to be heard at the meeting of the duly authorised committee dealing with the matter.

(d)           The duly authorised committee will provide a written recommendation on the proposed outcome of the disciplinary proceedings to the Board within 7 days of the duly authorised committee meeting dealing with the matter.

(e)           The Board may, by a vote of 65% of those present and entitled to vote, censure, suspend, fine, expel, remove from office or otherwise deal with any Board Member or Member proved to its satisfaction to have been guilty of any of the offences listed in clause 11(a).

(f)            A notice in writing advising of a resolution of the Board passed pursuant to clause 11(e) shall be served on the relevant person and shall set out:

(i)            the resolution of the Board and the grounds on which it is based;

(ii)           that the person has a right to appeal to a duly formed Membership Tribunal which shall rule on the evidence before it and shall make recommendations to the Board;

(iii)          that the person has 14 days from the date of service of the notice to appeal, such request to appeal to be in writing addressed to the Secretary at the Club's principal place of business;

(iv)         that such appeal hearing may be convened no earlier than 14 days after receipt by the Secretary of a request to appeal from the person; and

(v)          that all of the person’s rights associated with their Membership (except in respect of the appeal process) will be suspended during the appeal process.

(g)           The persons who shall constitute a Membership Tribunal from time to time will be nominated by the Board and shall consist of at least three persons, at least one of whom is a lawyer or has practised as a lawyer and at least one of whom is a Board Member.

(h)           At the appeal, the Membership Tribunal shall:

(i)            give the person an opportunity to make oral representations;

(ii)           give due consideration to any written representations submitted to either the Board or the Membership Tribunal; and

(iii)          determine whether to confirm or revoke the Board's resolution.

(i)            The rights of the Member on suspension are forfeited until reinstated.

(j)            In cases of urgency, the Chairperson may act with the authority of the Board in dealing with and suspending a Member in accordance with this clause 11.


(a)           The membership fees or other levies payable by Members to the Club, and the time for and manner of payment, shall be as determined by the Board.

(b)           The Board is empowered to prevent any Member whose membership fees or other levies are in arrears from exercising the whole or any of the rights or privileges of membership of the Club, including but not limited to the right to vote at General Meetings. 


13.1       Initial Board Members

Each of the:

(a)           persons who held the office of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Unincorporated Association immediately before the incorporation of the Club under the Act; and

(b)           other members of the governing body (by whatever name called) of the Unincorporated Association immediately before the incorporation of the Club under the Act,

will, from the period commencing on the adoption of this Constitution until the conclusion of the first annual General Meeting following adoption of this Constitution:

(c)           in respect of those persons described in paragraph (a), be appointed as the respective inaugural President, Secretary and Treasurer of the Club; and

(d)           in respect of those persons described in paragraph (b), be appointed as the other inaugural Board Members of the Club.

This clause shall operate notwithstanding clause 15.

13.2       Patrons

The persons who held the offices of President and Patron of the Unincorporated Association immediately before the incorporation of the Club under the Act will, from the period commencing on the adoption of this Constitution until such time as the Board determines, be appointed as Patrons of the Club. 

13.3       Winding up of the Unincorporated Association

Immediately upon the incorporation of the Club under the Act:

(a)           all assets and liabilities held by or on behalf of the Unincorporated Association have become the assets and liabilities of the Club; and

(b)           the Unincorporated Association ceases to exist.

14.          POWERS OF THE BOARD 

(a)           Subject to the Act and this Constitution, the business of the Club shall be managed and the powers of the Club shall be exercised by the Board. In particular, the Board shall act in accordance with the Objects and shall operate for the benefit of the Members, the University, SUSF and the community.

(b)           Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Board shall have power to expend and invest monies, to engage and dismiss their own employees, contractors and other personnel, to enter into contracts and generally shall have control of the financial affairs of the Club, subject to any relevant SUSF policies.

(c)           The Executive Committee of the Club, which shall be comprised of any four Board Members, which must include the President and the Treasurer, may act in any way beneficial to the Club when immediate action is required and it is not practical or convenient to call a meeting of the Board. Any exercise of power by the Executive Committee under this clause 14(c) will be referred for approval to the next meeting of the Board.


15.1       Composition of the Board 

The Board shall comprise:

(a)           a President, who shall be elected under clause 16;

(b)           a Secretary, who shall be elected under clause 16;

(c)           a Treasurer, who shall be elected under clause 16;

(d)           up to five other Elected Board Members who must all be Members and who shall be elected under clause 16; and

(e)           up to one Appointed Board Member who need not be a Member and who may be appointed by the Elected Board Members in accordance with clause 17.

15.2       Election and appointment of Board Members

(a)           The Elected Board Members shall be elected under clause 16, subject to clauses 15.4 and 15.5.

(b)           The Appointed Board Members may be appointed under clause 17.

15.3       Portfolios

The Board may allocate portfolios to Board Members, other than the President, Secretary and Treasurer, and as determined by the Board from time to time.

15.4       Gender

The Board shall comprise of at least three Elected Board Members of each gender, subject to nominations being received for at least three Elected Board Members of each gender for election to the Board.

15.5       University Student

At least two of the Board Members must be Students at the University.


16.1       Nomination for Board

(a)           Nominations for Elected Board Member positions shall be called for no less than 21 days prior to the annual General Meeting. When calling for nominations, details of the necessary qualifications and job descriptions for the positions shall also be provided. Qualifications and job descriptions shall be determined by the Board from time to time.

(b)           Those Members who have held office as Elected Board Members immediately prior the annual General Meeting at which the election will be held are not required to be nominated prior to the meeting.

(c)           Those Members who have held office as Elected Board Members immediately prior to the annual General Meeting may decline to be nominated as an Elected Board Member at or before the annual General Meeting.

(d)           Nominees for elected Board Member positions must declare any position they hold in the University, SUSF, and the NSO, SSO or RSO.

16.2       Form of nomination

(a)           Nominations must be:

(i)            in writing;

(ii)           in the prescribed form (if any) provided for that purpose;

(iii)          signed by two individual Members;

(iv)         certified by the nominee (who must be a Member) expressing his or her willingness to accept the position for which he or she is nominated; and

(v)          delivered to the Club not less than 14 days before the date fixed for the annual General Meeting.

(b)           The Chairperson of the Board has the discretion, which may be exercised at or before the annual General Meeting, to admit any nominations that do not adhere to the procedural requirements set out in clauses 16.1 and 16.2.

16.3       Elections

(a)           If the number of nominations received is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled or if there are insufficient nominations received to fill all vacancies on the Board, then those nominated shall be declared elected only if approved by the majority of Members entitled to vote.

(b)           If there are insufficient nominations received to fill all vacancies on the Board, or if a person is not approved by the majority of Members under clause 16.3(a), the positions will be deemed casual vacancies under clause 18.1.

(c)           If the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies to be filled, voting shall be conducted for each vacancy on the Board.

(d)           Voting shall be conducted in such a manner and by such a method as determined by the Board from time to time.

16.4       Term of appointment for Elected Board Members

(a)           Board Members elected under clause 16.3 shall be elected for a term of one year. Subject to provisions in this Constitution relating to early retirement or removal of Board Members, elected Board Members shall remain in office from the conclusion of the annual General Meeting at which the election occurred until the conclusion of the next annual General Meeting.

(b)           Elected Board Members may be re-elected on the expiry of the term of their appointment. For the avoidance of doubt, Elected Board Members may be re-elected more than once.

(c)           The maximum number of consecutive terms of office of any Board Member is ten. Any further terms may be approved by the SUSF Board at their absolute discretion..


17.1       Qualifications for Appointed Board Members

(a)           Appointed Board Members may have specific skills in commerce, finance, marketing, law or business generally or such other skills which complement the Board composition.

(b)           Appointed Board Members are required to become Members of the Club prior to being appointed under this clause 17.

(c)           The Club may refer to these Appointed Board Members as Patrons but for the avoidance of doubt these ‘Patrons’ are Appointed Board Members.

17.2       Term of Appointment

(a)           Appointed Board Members shall be appointed by the Elected Board Members under this Constitution for a term of one year, which shall commence from the first Board meeting after the annual General Meeting until the expiry of the next annual General Meeting that follows.

(b)           Any adjustment to the term of Appointed Board Members appointed under this Constitution shall be determined by the Board.

(c)           Appointed Board Members may be re-appointed on the expiry of the term of their appointment. For the avoidance of doubt, Appointed Board Members may be re-appointed more than once.


18.1       Casual vacancies

Any casual vacancy occurring in the position of Board Member may be filled by decision of the remaining Board Members from among appropriately qualified persons, or at the discretion of the Chairperson. Any casual vacancy may only be filled for the remainder of the Board Member's term under this Constitution.

18.2       Grounds for termination of Board Member

(a)           In addition to the circumstances in which the office of a Board Member becomes vacant by virtue of the Act, the office of a Board Member becomes vacant if the Board Member:

(i)            dies;

(ii)           becomes bankrupt or makes any arrangement or composition with his or her creditors generally;

(iii)          becomes of unsound mind or a person whose person or estate is liable to be dealt with in any way under the law relating to mental health;

(iv)         resigns his or her office in writing to the Club;

(v)          is absent without the consent of the Board from meetings of the Board on three or more consecutive occasions;

(vi)         holds any office of employment with the Club without the approval of the Board;

(vii)         is directly or indirectly interested in any contract or proposed contract with the Club and fails to declare the nature of that interest;

(viii)        in the opinion of the Board (but subject always to this Constitution):

(A)          has acted in a manner unbecoming or prejudicial to the Objects and interests of the Club; or

(B)          has brought the Club into disrepute;

(ix)         is removed by Special Resolution of Members entitled to vote on the resolution; or

(x)          would otherwise be prohibited from being a director of a corporation under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

18.3       Board may act

In the event of a casual vacancy or vacancies in the office of a Board Member or Board Members, the remaining Board Members may act. However, if the number of remaining Board Members is not sufficient to constitute a quorum at a meeting of the Board, they may act only for the purpose of increasing the number of Board Members to a number sufficient to constitute a quorum.


19.1       Proceedings of Board

(a)           The Board shall meet as often as is deemed necessary in every calendar year for the dispatch of business (and shall meet at least four times a year). Subject to this Constitution, it may adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings as it thinks fit. A meeting of the Board may be convened at any time by the Chairperson of the Board. No person, other than a Board Member or other person approved by the Board, may be present during Board meetings. 

(b)           A meeting of the Board may be held using any technology consented to by all the participating directors (Board Approved Technology) and the consent may be a standing one. The contemporaneous linking together by Approved Technology of a number of the directors sufficient to constitute a quorum, constitutes a meeting of the Board and all the provisions in this Constitution relating to meetings of the Board apply, so far as they can and with such changes as are necessary, to meetings of the directors by Board Approved Technology.

(c)           A Board Member participating in a meeting by Board Approved Technology is to be taken to be present in person at the meeting.

(d)           A meeting by Board Approved Technology is to be taken to be held at the place determined by the Chairperson of the meeting as long as at least one of the Board Member involved was at that place for the duration of the meeting.

(e)           If, before or during the meeting, any technical difficulty occurs as a result of which one or more Board Members cease to participate, the Chairperson may adjourn the meeting until the difficulty is remedied or may, where a quorum of directors remains present, continue with the meeting.

19.2       Decisions of Board

Subject to this Constitution, questions arising at any meeting of the Board shall be decided by a majority of votes and a determination of a majority of Board Members shall for all purposes be deemed a determination of the Board. Each Board Member shall have one vote on any question. Where voting is equal, the Chairperson may exercise a casting vote. If the Chairperson does not exercise a casting vote, the motion will be lost.

19.3       Resolutions not in meeting

A resolution in writing that has been signed or assented to by any form of visible or other electronic communication by all the Board Members for the time being present in Australia and entitled to vote on the resolution shall be as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of Board Members duly convened and held. Any such resolution may consist of several documents in like form each signed by one or more of the Board Members.

19.4       Quorum

At meetings of the Board the number of Board Members whose presence is required to constitute a quorum is five, unless there are 5 or less Board Members, in which case quorum will be two thirds of the total, rounding up. 

19.5       Notice of Board Meetings

Unless all Board Members agree to hold a meeting at shorter notice (which agreement shall be sufficiently evidenced by their apology or presence), not less than 14 days’ written notice of the meeting of the Board shall be given to each Board Member. The agenda for the meeting shall be provided to each Board Member not less than four days prior to such meeting.

19.6       Chairperson

The Chairperson shall be the President of the Club and will act as chair of any Board meeting or General Meeting at which he or she is present. If the Chairperson is not present, or is unwilling or unable to preside at a Board meeting, the remaining Board Members shall appoint another Board Member to preside as chair for that meeting only.

19.7       Conflict of interest

A Board Member shall declare his or her interest in any contractual, selection, disciplinary, or financial matter in which a conflict of interest arises or may arise. He or she shall, unless otherwise determined by the Board, absent himself or herself from discussions of such matters and shall not be entitled to vote in respect of such matters. If the Board Member casts a vote, the vote shall not be counted. In the event of any uncertainty as to whether it is necessary for a Board Member to absent himself or herself from discussions and refrain from voting, the issue should be immediately determined by vote of the Board. If this is not possible, the matter shall be adjourned or deferred.

19.8       Disclosure of interests

(a)           The nature of the interest of a Board Member must be declared at the meeting of the Board at which the relevant matter is first taken into consideration, if the interest then exists. In any other case, the interest should be disclosed to the Board at the next meeting of the Board. If a Board Member becomes interested in a matter after it is made or entered into, the declaration of the interest must be made at the first meeting of the Board held after the Board Member becomes interested.

(b)           All disclosed interests must also be disclosed to each annual General Meeting in accordance with the Act.

19.9       General disclosure

A general notice stating that a Board Member is a member of any specified firm or company and that he or she is 'interested' in all transactions with that firm or company is sufficient declaration under clause 19.8. After the distribution of the general notice, it is not necessary for the Board Member to give a special notice regarding any particular transaction with that firm or company.

19.10     Recording disclosures

Any declaration made, or any disclosure or general notice given, by a Board Member in accordance with clauses 19.7, 19.8 and/or 19.9 must be recorded in the minutes of the relevant meeting.

20.          DELEGATIONS

20.1       Board may delegate functions

(a)           The Board may, by instrument in writing, create, establish or appoint committees, sub-committees, individual officers and consultants to carry out specific duties and functions.

(b)           The Board will determine what powers these committees, sub-committees, officers and consultants are given. In exercising its power under this clause 20, the Board must take into account broad stakeholder involvement.

20.2       Delegation by instrument

In the establishing instrument, the Board may delegate such functions as are specified in the instrument, other than:

(a)           this power of delegation; and

(b)           a function imposed on the Board by the Act, any other law, this Constitution, or by resolution of the Club in a General Meeting.

20.3       Delegated function exercised in accordance with terms

A function, the exercise of which has been delegated under this clause 20, may, while the delegation remains unrevoked, be exercised from time to time in accordance with the terms of the delegation.

20.4       Procedure of delegated entity

The procedures for any entity exercising delegated power shall, subject to this Constitution and with any necessary or incidental amendment, be the same as that applicable to meetings of the Board under clause 19. The entity exercising delegated powers shall make decisions in accordance with the Objects, and it shall promptly provide the Board with details of all material decisions. The entity shall also provide any other reports, minutes and information required by the Board.

20.5       Delegation may be conditional

A delegation under this clause 20 may be made subject to certain conditions or limitations regarding the exercise of any function. These may be specified in the delegation.

20.6       Revocation of delegation

At any time the Board may, by instrument in writing, revoke wholly or in part any delegation made under this clause 20. It may amend or repeal any decision made by a body or person under this clause 20.

21.          SUSF APPROVAL

The Club must not do any of the following without receiving prior written approval from SUSF:

(a)           make any amendment to, or repeal and replacement of, the Constitution with respect to clauses 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 22(c), 31, 35, 37, 38, and this clause 21;

(b)           dispose of assets of the Club in any financial year representing more than 25% of the net asset value of the Club;

(c)           commence or settle any litigation by the Club; and

(d)           approve any proposal for the liquidation of Club or the appointment of a provisional liquidator to the Club or any resolution being passed or steps being taken to pass any resolution for the liquidation of Club.


(a)           The Club may have a Seal upon which its corporate name shall appear in legible characters.

(b)           The Seal shall not be used without the express authorisation of the Board. Every use of the Seal shall be recorded in the Club's minute book. Two Board Members must witness every use of the Seal, unless the Board determines otherwise.

(c)           The Club must adopt the royal blue (approximately PMS 294C) and gold (approximately PMS 123C) of the University and SUSF as the colours of the Club.

(d)           The crest of the Club shall include the shield of SUSF, unless otherwise approved by SUSF.


(a)           The Club's annual General Meeting shall be held in accordance with the Act and this Constitution. It should be held on a date and at a venue determined by the Board.

(b)           All General Meetings other than the annual General Meeting shall be special General Meetings and shall be held in accordance with this Constitution.


24.1       Special general meetings may be held

The Board may, whenever it thinks fit, convene a special General Meeting. When, but for this clause 24, more than fifteen months would elapse between annual General Meetings, the Board shall convene a special General Meeting before the expiration of that period.

24.2       Requisition of special general meetings 

(a)           The Secretary will convene a special general meeting when no less than 10% of Members entitled to attend and vote at the meeting submit a requisition in writing.

(b)           The requisition for a special General Meeting shall state the object(s) of the meeting, be signed by the Members making the requisition and be sent to the Club. The requisition may consist of several documents in a like form, each signed by one or more of the Members making the requisition.

(c)           If the Board does not cause a special General Meeting to be held one month after the date in which the requisition is sent to the Club, the Members making the requisition, or any of them, may convene a special General Meeting to be held no later than three months after that date.

(d)           A special General Meeting convened by Members under this Constitution shall be convened in the same manner, or as close as possible, as those convened by the Board.


(a)           Notice of every General Meeting shall be given to every Member entitled to receive notice. Notices shall be sent to the addresses appearing in the Club's Register. The auditor (if any) and Board Members shall also be entitled to receive notice of every General Meeting. This notice will be sent to the last known address of the auditor (if any). No other person shall be entitled, as of right, to receive notices of General Meetings.

(b)           A notice of a General Meeting shall specify the place, day and time of the meeting and shall state the business to be transacted at the meeting.

(c)           At least 21 days' notice of a General Meeting shall be given to those Members entitled to receive notice, together with:

(i)            the agenda for the meeting; and

(ii)           any notice of motion received from Members entitled to vote.

(d)           Notice of every General Meeting shall be given in the manner authorised in clause 41.

26.          BUSINESS

(a)           The business to be transacted at the annual General Meeting includes the consideration of accounts and the reports of the Board and the auditor (if an auditor has been appointed), the election of Board Members under this Constitution and the appointment of an auditor.

(b)           All business that is transacted at a General Meeting, with the exception of those matters set down in clause 26(a), shall be special business.

(c)           No business other than that stated on the notice for a General Meeting shall be transacted at that meeting.

27.          NOTICES OF MOTION

Members entitled to vote may submit notices of motion for inclusion as special business at a General Meeting. All notices of motion must be submitted in writing to the Club no less than 14 days prior to the General Meeting.


28.1       Quorum

No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum is present at the time when the meeting proceeds to business. A quorum for General Meetings of the Club shall be more than 10% of Members entitled to vote.

28.2       Venue of General Meeting and use of technology

(a)           A General Meeting will be held at the venue specified in the notice of General Meeting given under clause 25.

(b)           Where a General Meeting is held at 2 or more venues using any form of technology approved by the Board for the purposes of conducting the General Meeting:

(i)            a Member participating in the General Meeting is to be taken to be present in person at the General Meeting;

(ii)           all the provisions in this Constitution relating to General Meetings apply, so far as they can and with such changes as are necessary, to General Meetings using that technology; and

(iii)          the General Meeting is to be taken to be held at the place determined by the Chairperson of the General Meeting as long as at least one of the Members involved was at that place for the duration of the General Meeting.

(c)           If the technology used in accordance with the requirement of clause 28.2(a)  encounters a technical difficulty, whether before or during the General Meeting, which results in a Member entitled to participate not being able to participate in the General Meeting, the Chairperson may, subject to the Act, allow the General Meeting to continue or may adjourn the General Meeting either for such reasonable period as may be required to fix the technology or to such other time and location as the Chairperson deems appropriate.

28.3       Chairperson to preside

(a)           The Chairperson of the Board shall, subject to this Constitution, preside as chair at every General Meeting except:

(i)            in relation to any election for which the Chairperson is a nominee; or

(ii)           where a conflict of interest exists.

(b)           If the Chairperson is not present, or is unwilling or unable to preside, the Members present and entitled to vote shall appoint another Board Member to preside as Chairperson for that meeting only.

(c)           The Chairperson of a General Meeting is responsible for the general conduct of the meeting and for the procedures to be adopted at the meeting and may, subject to this Constitution, require the adoption of any procedures which are in his or her opinion necessary or desirable for:

(i)            proper and orderly debate or discussion, including limiting the time that a person may speak on a motion or other item of business before the meeting; and

(ii)           the proper and orderly casting or recording of votes at the General Meeting, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, including the appointment of scrutineers.

28.4       Adjournment of meeting

(a)           If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned until the same day in the next week at the same time and place or to a date, time or place determined by the Chairperson. If at the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, the meeting will lapse.

(b)           The Chairperson may, with the consent of any meeting at which a quorum is present, and shall, if so directed by the meeting, adjourn the meeting from time to time and from place to place. No business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place.

(c)           When a meeting is adjourned for thirty days or more, notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given as in the case of an original meeting.

(d)           Except as provided in clause 28.4(c), it shall not be necessary to give any notice of an adjournment or the business to be transacted at any adjourned meeting.

28.5       Voting procedure

At any meeting, a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands unless a poll is (before or on the declaration of the result of the show of hands) demanded by:

(a)           the Chairperson; or

(b)           a simple majority of the Members present and entitled to vote.

28.6       Recording of determinations

Unless a poll is demanded under clause 28.5, the Chairperson's declaration shall be conclusive evidence of the result of a resolution decided by a show of hands. The declaration does not need to record the number of votes in favour of or against the resolution. The result of the resolution must be recorded in the Club's book of proceedings.

28.7       Where poll demanded

If a poll is duly demanded under clause 28.5, it shall be taken in such a manner and either at once or after an interval or adjournment or otherwise as the Chairperson directs. The result of the poll shall be the resolution of the meeting.

28.8       Procedural irregularities

(a)           No decision of the Club, the Board or any Board authorised entity shall be invalid merely because of a failure to give proper notice under this Constitution or the Regulations or other irregularity in procedure required by this Constitution or the Regulations unless a person suffers substantial prejudice as a result of that failure to give proper notice or irregularity in procedure.

(b)           The Club, the Board or other Board authorised entity may confirm an earlier decision which may have been otherwise invalid because of a failure to give proper notice or other irregularity in procedure and the decision shall be deemed to be valid from the time it was originally made.


29.1       Members entitled to vote

Each Member who, pursuant to clause 6.1 has the right to vote at General Meetings, shall be entitled to one vote per agenda item at General Meetings.

29.2       Chairperson may exercise casting vote

Where voting at General Meetings is equal, the Chairperson may exercise a casting vote. If the Chairperson does not exercise a casting vote, the motion will be lost.

29.3       Proxy voting

Proxy voting is not permitted at any General Meeting.

29.4       Postal or electronic voting

No motion shall be determined by a postal or electronic ballot unless determined by the Board.  If the Board so determines, the postal or electronic ballot shall be conducted under procedures determined by the Board from time to time.


(a)           The grievance procedure set out in this clause 30 applies to disputes arising under this Constitution between a Member and:

(i)            another Member; or

(ii)           the Club.

(b)           The parties to the dispute must meet and discuss the matter in dispute, and, if possible, resolve the dispute within 14 days after the dispute comes to the attention of all parties.

(c)           If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute at the meeting or if a party fails to attend that meeting, then the parties must, within 10 days, refer the dispute for:

(i)            resolution by an independent tribunal established by the SSO or SUSF in accordance with the procedures determined by the SSO or SUSF from time to time; or

(ii)           if no such tribunal exists, mediation by:

(A)          an independent person agreed to by the parties to the dispute; or

(B)          if the parties are unable to agree on the independent person, a community justice centre under the Community Justice Centres Act 1983 (NSW).

(d)           The Board may prescribe additional grievance procedures in the Regulations consistent with this clause 30.

(e)           If the dispute is not resolved the Board may take whatever steps it considers appropriate in regard to the dispute in the best interests of the Club and the Members concerned.

31.          FUNDS

31.1       Source of funds

(a)           The funds of the Club are to be derived from contributions from SUSF, annual subscriptions of members, sponsorships, donations and, subject to any resolution passed by the Club in a General Meeting, any other sources that the Board determines.

(b)           All money received by the Club must be deposited as soon as practicable and without deduction to the credit of SUSF’s general ledger account or other authorised deposit-taking institution account approved by SUSF.

(c)           The Club must, as soon as practicable after receiving any money, issue an appropriate receipt.

31.2       Management of funds

(a)           Subject to any resolution passed by the Club in a General Meeting, the funds of the Club are to be used solely in pursuance of the Objects and in the manner that the Board determines.

(b)           All cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes, approvals to pay and other negotiable instruments must be signed by 2 Board Members or by persons under written delegation from the Board.


32.1       Records

The Club shall establish and maintain proper records and minutes concerning all of its transactions, business, meetings and dealings (including those of the Club and the Board). It shall produce these as appropriate at each Board meeting or General Meeting.

32.2       Records kept in accordance with the Act

Proper accounting and other records shall be kept in accordance with the Act. The books, documents and securities of account shall be kept in the care, custody and control of the Secretary.

32.3       Board to submit accounts

The Board shall submit the Club's statements of account to the Members at the annual General Meeting in accordance with this Constitution and the Act.

32.4       Accounts conclusive

The statements of account, when approved or adopted by an annual General Meeting, shall be conclusive except when errors have been discovered within three months after such approval or adoption.

32.5       Accounts to be sent to Members

The Secretary shall cause to be sent to all persons entitled to receive notice of annual General Meetings in accordance with this Constitution and to SUSF, a copy of the statements of account, the Board's report, the auditor's report (if an auditor has been appointed), and every other document required under the Act (if any).

32.6       Negotiable instruments

All cheques, promissory notes, bankers, drafts, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments, and all receipts for money paid to the Club, shall be signed, drawn, accepted, endorsed or otherwise executed, as the case may be, by any two duly authorised Board Members, by persons under written delegation from the Board or in such other manner as the Board determines.

33.          AUDITOR

(a)           If required by the Act, a properly qualified auditor or auditors shall be appointed by the Club in a General Meeting. The auditor's duties shall be regulated in accordance with the Act. If no relevant provisions exist under the Act, the duties shall be regulated in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and generally accepted principles and/or any applicable code of conduct. The auditor may be removed by the Club in a General Meeting.

(b)           If required by the Act, the accounts of the Club shall be examined and the correctness of the profit and loss accounts and balance sheets ascertained by an auditor or auditors at the conclusion of each financial year.

(c)           If the club holds funds otherwise than in SUSF’s general ledger account, SUSF may appoint an auditor to examine the Club’s accounts and, if considered appropriate, verify the application of funds provided to the Club for specific purposes.

34.          FINANCIAL YEAR

The financial year of the Club shall be 1 June to 31 May, or as is the case for SUSF.

35.          INCOME

(a)           Income and property of the Club shall be:

(i)            derived from such sources; and

(ii)           managed in such manner,

as the Board determines from time to time, subject always to the Act and this Constitution.

(b)           The income and property of the Club shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Objects.

(c)           Except as prescribed in this Constitution or the Act:

(i)            no portion of the income or property of the Club shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise to any Member or Board Member; and

(ii)           no remuneration or other benefit in money or money's worth shall be paid or given by the Club to any Member who holds any office in the Club.

(d)           Nothing in clauses 35(b) or 35(c) shall prevent payment in good faith to any Member or Board Member for:

(i)            any services actually rendered to the Club whether as an employee, Board Member or otherwise;

(ii)           goods supplied to the Club in the ordinary and usual course of operation;

(iii)          interest on money borrowed from any Member;

(iv)         rent for premises demised or let by any Member to the Club; or

(v)          any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by a Member on behalf of the Club,

provided that any such payment shall not exceed the amount ordinarily payable between ordinary commercial parties dealing at arm’s length in a similar transaction.

36.          WINDING UP

(a)           Subject to this Constitution, the Club may be wound up in accordance with the Act.

(b)           The liability of the Members is limited as set out in clause 36(c).

(c)           Every Member undertakes to contribute to the assets of the Club in the event of it being wound up while a Member, or within one year after ceasing to be a Member, for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Club contracted before the time at which they ceased to be a Member and towards the costs, charges and expenses of winding up the Club, such an amount not exceeding one dollar ($1.00).


If upon winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains, after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any assets or property, they shall not be paid to or distributed among the Members, and instead will be given or transferred to SUSF.


This Constitution shall not be altered except:

(a)           after consultation between the Club and the CEO of SUSF and the Chair of the Clubs Advisory Committee provided the consultation occurs in a timely manner;

(b)           by Special Resolution of Members entitled to vote; and

(c)           with the consent of each of RSO, SSO or NSO of which the Club remains a member but only where such consent remains a requirement of that organisation’s membership.

39.          REGULATIONS

39.1       Board to formulate Regulations

The Board may formulate, issue, adopt, interpret and amend regulations for the proper advancement, management and administration of the Club, and the advancement of the Objects. Such regulations must be consistent with the Constitution and any policy directives of the Board and SUSF.

39.2       Regulations binding

All Regulations are binding on the Club and all Members.

39.3       Regulations deemed applicable

All clauses, rules, by-laws and regulations of the Club in force at the date of the approval of this Constitution shall be deemed to be Regulations and shall continue to apply (provided that such clauses, rules, by-laws and regulations are not inconsistent with or replaced by this Constitution).

39.4       Changes binding on Members 

Amendments, alterations, interpretations or other changes to Regulations shall be advised to Members by such means as are determined and approved by the Board from time to time. The Club shall take reasonable steps to distribute such changes to Members.  All changes are binding on all Members.


40.1       Recognition of Club

The Club is a Member of the NSO, SSO and RSO (as applicable) and is recognised by those bodies as the entity responsible for the delivery of the Sport in the local area in accordance with the Objects but subject always to compliance with this Constitution. The Club shall conform to the NSO, SSO and RSO’s constitutions.

41.          NOTICE

(a)           Notices may be given by the Club to any person entitled under this Constitution to receive any notice. The notice can be sent by pre-paid post or, where available, by email to the Member's registered address or email address. In the case of a delegate, the notice can be sent to the last recorded address or email address.

(b)           Where a notice is sent by post, service of the notice shall be deemed to be effected by properly addressing, prepaying and posting the notice. Service of the notice is deemed to have been effected three days after posting.

(c)           Where a notice is sent by email, service of the notice shall be deemed to be effected the next business day after it was sent.

42.          INDEMNITY

(a)           Every Board Member and employee of the Club will be indemnified out of the property and assets of the Club against any liability incurred by them in their capacity as Board Member or employee in defending any proceedings, civil or criminal, in which judgement is given in their favour or in which they are acquitted or connected with any application in relation to any such proceedings in which relief is granted by the Court.

(b)           The Club shall indemnify its Board Members and employees against all damages and losses (including legal costs) for which any such Board Member or employee may be or become liable to any third party in consequence of any act or omission, except wilful misconduct, gross negligence or fraud:

(i)            in the case of a Board Member, performed or made while acting on behalf of and with the authority, express or implied, of the Club; or

(ii)           in the case of an employee, performed or made in the course of, and within the scope of, their employment by the Club.


This Constitution is subject to the exercise of the following reserve powers:

(a)   Where the Board of SUSF becomes aware that there are alleged financial, electoral or other governance irregularities concerning the Club and the Board of SUSF believes that the irregularities may be of a serious nature, the Board of SUSF may recommend to the Vice-Chancellor of the University that the internal auditor of the University or an appropriately qualified external expert with experience in the not-for-profit or community sector (investigator) to carry out an investigation (investigation) into the alleged irregularities.


(b)   Before making any such recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor, the Board of SUSF will consult with the Board of the Club.


(c)   The Vice-Chancellor, having considered any recommendation under this clause, may authorise an investigation.


(d)   Any authorisation by the Vice-Chancellor of an investigation must be reported to the Board Members of the Club, and unless the Vice-Chancellor believes there is good reason not to do so, to the Members of the Club.


(e)   Board Members, staff and members of the Club must provide the investigator with all such information and documentation as the investigator might reasonably require.


(f)    Upon completion of the investigation, the investigator must report the findings and any recommendation to the Board of SUSF, who may take any one or more of the following actions having regard to the findings or the recommendations.


                    (i)        Appoint, for a specified temporary period, an administrator with power to do all things necessary or convenient to be done for or in connection with, or incidental to, the management of the affairs of the Club;


                   (ii)        Remove Board Members, and require that the Club elect new Board Members;


                  (iii)        Appoint, for a specified temporary period, an external auditor for ongoing monitoring and appraisal of the Club; and


                  (iv)        Implement such other steps which take account of the findings or recommendations of the investigation.


(g)   The Board of SUSF will report to the Vice-Chancellor, in a timely way as required by the Vice-Chancellor, on any action taken or proposed to be taken pursuant to this clause 43 and will recommend how and to whom further reports will be made.”


44.          PATRONS

The Board may, by ordinary resolution, invite one or more persons to act as Patron or Patrons of the Club for such a term as the Board may determine.  Each person appointed as Patron shall be entitled to receive notice of, and attend and participate at, meetings of the Board and general meetings, but shall not be entitled to vote (unless he or she is entitled to do so in some other capacity).  For the avoidance of doubt, a Patron is not a member of the Board.



ON THIS DAY THE _______ DAY OF ___________________, _____________


Chairperson of General Meeting:







Notice of the Sydney University Cricket Club Annual General Meeting

Notice of the Sydney University Cricket Club Annual General Meeting


28TH June 2023

 Dear Members, Players and Supporters


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Sydney University Cricket Club will be held on Thursday 3rd August 2023 commencing at 6:30pm.


Venue: Tag Family Foundation Grandstand

              Oval No.2 (SUFG)

              Function Room No.1 Level 2

              Regimental Drive

              University of Sydney



This meeting will also be available via the zoom link below.  


Join Zoom Meeting:

(ID: 89426833875, passcode: 036598)

Join by phone

(AU) +61 2 8015 6011 (passcode: 036598)






  1. Apologies

  2. Chairman’s welcome

  3. Approval of the previous minutes

  4. Business arising from the previous minutes.

  5. Adoption of the One Hundred and Fifty Eighth (159th) Annual Report, and Financial Accounts

  6. CNSW/SCA updates:

·         Representatives to be confirmed



  1. Board Reports

      I.            VP Finance

      II.            Foundation Chair

    III.            General Manager

    IV.            Director of Cricket (presented to the Board during the end of May Meeting on completion of his contract).


  1. Election of Office Bearers

·         Patron (by invitation)

·         President (by invitation)

·         Chairman (by nomination)

·         Senior Vice Presidents (by nomination)

Ø  Operations

Ø  Finance & Administration

Ø  Marketing & Membership

·         Honorary Secretary (by nomination)

·         Honorary Treasurer/Undergraduate Member (by nomination)

·         Foundation Chair (ex officio)

·         Alumni Engagement (by nomination)

·         Two Delegates to the SCA and one Delegate to NSWCA (by invitation)

·         Club Captain (by nomination)

·         Director of Cricket (ex officio)

·         Executive Officer (ex officio)

·         Indigenous Youth Academy and Chairman of Selectors (by invitation)


  1. Vice President Invitations


  1. Special Resolution on Incorporation: see attached document


  1. General Business


  1. Any Other Business


By order of the Board of Management


Colin Robertson

General Manager

Sydney University Cricket Club

_____________________________________________________________________________________Minutes of the 2022 Sydney University Cricket Club Annual General Meeting

Date 28th July 2022  

Venue: via Zoom

Time: 6:30pm


Attendees: Adam Theobald (Chairman), Bruce Collins QC (President), Colin Robertson (General Manager), Murray Creed (Director of Cricket), James Rodgers, Hartley Anderson, Tom Kierath, Liam Robertson, Dave Miller, Phil Logan, Mark Faraday, Oliver Zannino, Ryan McElduff, Russell Cowell, Anand Karuppiah, Rex Greaves, Ed Cowan (CNSW), Greg Mail (CNSW), Graham Gorrie (SCA), John Kilford, Ash Cowan, Alasdair Grant, Greg Cade, Ron Alexander

Apologies: Tim Cummins, Andrew Ridley.


  1. Chairman’s Welcome

  2. Approval of the Previous Minutes and Business Arising

  3. Adoption of the One Hundred and Fifty Eighth (158th) Annual Report, and Financial Accounts

  4. CNSW/SCA Updates

  5. Board Reports

  6. Election of Office Bearers

  7. Vice President Invitations



The Chairman of SUCC, Adam Theobald, welcomed all attendees to the meeting, with a special welcome to Cricket NSW board member, Ed Cowan, Cricket NSW General Manager Cricket, Greg Mail and SCA Delegate, Graham Gorrie. The year in focus was again impacted in its early stages by COVID, and throughout by inclement and ongoing weather. The Chairman thanked everyone involved for their efforts in ensuring the season ran as smoothly as it did. It was noted that the season carried mixed results for the Club with First Grade falling short in the Kingsgrove Twenty 20 Cup final, First and Fifth Grade missing out on finals, Second Grade knocked out in the quarter final, Third, Fourth and Metropolitan Cup Grades knocked out in the semi-finals. The Chairman emphasised that given the trying circumstances, Director of Cricket, Murray Creed, in his first year performed admirably and was well received by the club’s members.




The Chairman, Adam Theobald, moved that the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting be passed as a true and correct record.


The movement was ratified by Bruce Collins, seconded by Tom Kierath, and it was passed that the previous meeting’s minutes were a true and correct record. With no other business arising from the previous minutes the meeting progressed.


The Chairman, Adam Theobald, presented the 158th Annual Report and Financial Statements to the meeting. The Chairman cast special thanks to General Manager, Colin Robertson, Club Patron, James Rodgers, Honorary Secretary, Hartley Anderson and Max Bonnell for their significant and meaningful contributions to the development of the document. The Chairman moved that the 158th Annual Report be adopted as SUCC’s Annual Report.


The movement was ratified by Bruce Collins, seconded by Colin Robertson, and the 158th Annual Report was adopted as the club’s Annual Report. 


   I.            GRAHAM GORRIE – SCA CHAIRMAN                                       The SCA Chairman, Graham Gorrie, addressed the general meeting, thanking the Board for the invitation to attend the meeting. The SCA Chairman noted that one-hundred and fifty-eight years was truly a remarkable achievement for SUCC. It was highlighted that there were many distractions and obstacles in the year in focus but expressed thanks towards SUCC for their ongoing efforts and presence within the SCA as well as commending SUCC on their performances throughout the year. The SCA Chairman spoke to the increase in livestreaming throughout the year in focus, emphasising that the Women’s game was having an increasing presence online and that Kayo was becoming a more regular streaming platform for the competition. It was also noted that the number of reportable offences across competitions reduced drastically, with only 23 events, none of which went to the judiciary with all individuals involved accepting the initial punishments handed down. The SCA Chairman added that a premier cricket survey was conducted in early June, with the feedback resulting in a return to a more conventional season in the upcoming year with more two-day cricket and additional Sunday free weekends included. The SCA Chairman confirmed that grants would be maintained in line with prior seasons, with ACA grants also being made available with similar criteria to previous years. Finally, it was noted that many clubs would be experiencing ground issues, and the SCA would thank all clubs for their collective efforts in assisting where possible.


     II.            ED COWAN – CNSW BOARD MEMBER                                                      CNSW Delegate, Ed Cowan, addressed the general meeting and spoke with particular regard to CNSW’ focus on prioritising grassroots and club cricket in order to ensure the long-term stability of the sport in New South Wales. It was noted that CNSW had set a bullish goal of doubling participants aged 5-12 in the game by 2025. As a result, funding to clubs has increased by 3% this year despite CNSW operating at a loss of $650k (budgeted to break-even) and Cricket Australia cutting funding to the states by 7.5% YOY over the last few years. It was also highlighted that playing participants across the game had reduced by 3% in the year in focus.


       III.          GREG MAIL – CNSW GENERAL MANAGER CRICKET                          CNSW General Manager Cricket, Greg Mail, addressed the general meeting and spoke to CNSW’ focus on connecting with regional NSW and their desire to draw from the extraordinary talent pool available. CNSW General Manager Cricket emphasised that SUCC was well placed to benefit from this talent pool given the University relationship which exists. It was noted that SUCC should be extremely proud of Hayden Kerr’s career development in the last few seasons, and in particular the last twelve months. This was identified as a clear example of how players from this region can reach the professional arena. There was discussion around the arrangement existing between CNSW and Cricket ACT which had tied ACT/NSW Country together in recent years. It was noted that this relationship would not be renewed moving forward and that the underage NSW teams would no longer include the ACT, whilst for 2022/23 the 2nd XI team would remain as a combined ACT/NSW Country team.




Vice-President Finance, Liam Robertson, addressed the general meeting and highlighted that SUCC operated at an $8k deficit in FY21, with income $50k lower than budget largely due to a strategic decision to hold off on receiving the foundation allotment the club was eligible to receive. It was noted that registration numbers have increased whilst registration fees have reduced by 30% in order to ease the financial burden on the playing group. The subsequent increase in registration numbers has eased cost pressures for the club.




Season 2021/22 would be described as a decently successful season from the players perspective with 3 grade and 1 Metro Cup teams making it to finals. There were some really strong performances from younger players which augers well for the future.  

 Training facilities were outstanding due to the fact that we were always able to train in around wet weather/COVID indoor restrictions. Ranging from St Paul’s, Drews Centre wickets, indoor and outdoor and the University No.1 Oval meant we were very lucky. Practice wickets were quite good throughout a wet season so the ground-staff did a pretty decent job in preparing these when they could – Alex Gill was a pleasure to work with.

Grant Lambert and Murray Creed’s Wednesday morning sessions were really beneficial to all those who attended. The fact we had access to the upstairs cardio gym throughout all training sessions meant there was always opportunity to get some fitness in alongside your cricket related training which I thought was excellent.

Attendance at Club Events, particularly the 1st Grade T20 Final at Blackburn Oval was good and there was general good feeling around the group at training and on game day. Some events were Covid impacted and given the constraints the club did a very good job of improvising where necessary, highlighted by the virtual Trivia Night. All the while when regulations permitted the Tox were able to host us and looked after us very well. A  big thank you to Robyn and Hal who were super accommodating.

The Christmas Party down at No.1 Oval was very well attended and our thanks go out to Surjit’s c\Catering for putting on a fantastic meal. This is fast becoming a tradition at the Club.

Viki Stanton once again was the most wonderful host and provider of fantastic food from the canteen. We are privileged to have someone of Viki’s calibre working in our club.

The Presentation Evening at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron once again proved a huge success together with the Annual Golf Challenge at the St. Michaels Golf Course. What I thought was good about these events is that there was always a purpose behind them. They weren’t just a random date set to bring the players together. I think this worked really well as it gave the players that extra incentive to attend and socialise together.

Finally, I would like to thank the board for giving me the chance to be Club Captain. It has been an honour and a great responsibility Thank you to Col for all his help along the way.



Most people in Sydney Grade Cricket would agree that due to the impacts of covid and wet weather,
2021/22 was one of the most challenging and disruptive seasons one can remember. Behind the
scenes the ground staff, coaches, captains, and Colin went above and beyond to make training,
fielding teams and playing fixtures possible.
Highlights of the season were 1st grade winning the T20 Thunder competition and making the
Kingsgrove Sports T20 final. Our 2nd grade made the quarter finals. The 3rd and 4th grade teams had
strong years and had weather impacted semi-finals preventing an equitable contest. The SUCC
Metro Gold team under Henry Cain played very well this year finishing top of the ladder in the
regular season. Finishing fifth in the Club Championship and eighth in 1st grade are things to improve.
Whilst SUCC does not have the number of current first class and 2nd XI cricketers it has enjoyed in
previous years, we still have very strong squads. We will need to get more results from a couple of key players and obtain recruits particularly in the fast-bowling department for 1st grade and young
batters for the lower teams.
Most players have indicated training and coaching was effective considering the challenging
situation. We need to be mindful of offering good sessions and value for players who arrive late to
training.  Further, we need to make sure that resources are well distributed throughout the group.
Selections this season were particularly tough with many late withdrawals and at time differing
philosophies between coaches and captains. Phil has been fantastic in his role and deserves a huge thanks.
Clarity from the board on selections particularly with regards to picking young vs old players would
be welcome.
Nick will not be continuing in his role as 1st team coach. Next season he will assist the coaching team
more on a targeted small group and individual level. As we know Rhys is leaving. Bringing on two
new assistant coaches is a high priority. I will assist 1st grade players slightly more than last year
whilst still devoting time to all the teams.
The elite athlete program is adding value in particular to the new members of that group who are
benefitting from the personalised skill sessions. Work can still be done on utilising time and session
focus more efficiently, ie. strength sessions vs mental, fielding or cardio work.

We are all looking forward to building on this season in 2022/23.



The delayed start was always going to be a challenge and Colin Robertson thanked CNSW, the SCA and Murray Creed (Director of Cricket) for their planning and communication to assist with the navigation of these unusual challenges. He also thanked the playing members, Phil Logan and his selection committee including Rhys Williams, the Captains and Murray Creed for the unbelievable amount of time spent in selection meetings due to the entire season being one day matches. Through the board, we reduced our membership fees to the players and this was extremely well received. I thank the board and all the members for their initiative with this and for their guidance and assistance throughout the year.

Colin also mentioned that whilst the season did not yield the trophies we expect of our club, it did highlight the changing of the guard with excellent opportunities for younger players to prove themselves and progress through the grades.

Anand Karuppiah and his team worked tirelessly during the Green Shield season and this showed with competitive on field performances. These individuals along with all the volunteers are what keeps the club going through difficult times. Colin thanked the entire team involved.

The reduced number of social events due to Covid were very successful with the Christmas Party catered by Surjit himself, the Awards Evening at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron and the very well attended golf day being the highlights of the social calendar.

Colin also noted the picket fence is a project being worked on to have it replaced this year and more drainage will be installed on No.1 Oval prior to season 2022-23.

All the valued sponsors FDC, HWL, The Toxteth and Surjit’s Indian Restaurant together with SUSF, the SCA, CNSW and CA were acknowledged by Colin, for their continued support of Premier Grade Cricket in Sydney and in particular SUCC.

Colin lastly thanked Adam Theobald for his patience and direction in helping him settle into the role and acknowledged that he leaves the Board and Club in a position of strength. 


a)      Patron – James Rodgers, continuing by invitation

b)      President – Bruce Collins, continuing by invitation

c)      Foundation Chair – Dave Miller, invitation

d)      General Manager – Colin Robertson

e)      Director of Cricket – Murray Creed

f)       Chairman of Selectors – Phil Logan, continuing by invitation

g)      Chairman – Mark Faraday, nominated by Bruce Collins, seconded by Tom Kierath

h)      Club

i)        VP Operations – Tom Kierath, nominated by Liam Robertson, seconded by Adam Theobald

j)        VP Finance – Liam Robertson, nominated by Dave Miller, seconded by Bruce Collins

k)      VP Memberships – elected not to fill this role, TBA following the incorporation of SUCC

l)        Honorary Secretary and Alumni Engagement – Hartley Anderson, nominated by Colin Robertson, seconded by Bruce Collins

m)   Honorary Treasurer – Ryan McElduff, nominated by Colin Robertson, seconded by Bruce Collins

n)      Club Captain – Rex Greaves, nominated by Adam Theobald, seconded by Colin Robertson

o)      SCA Delegates – Colin Robertson and Murray Creed, both continuing

p)      NSWCA Delegate – Colin Robertson (Hartley Anderson as proxy), both continuing



Club Patron, James Rodgers, moved that Russell Cowell be nominated as Vice-President of SUCC for his ongoing support and work for the club. 


·Russell Cowell was appointed Vice-President of SUCC, with all in attendance in favour of the nomination.


There being no further business arising, Adam Theobald closed the meeting at 8:00pm after thanking all in attendance.


Green Shield Tour of India 2023

The Sydney University Cricket Club would like to thank the parents and the Adams Cricket Academy for their help and support in making the the 2023 Tour of India to New Delhi a reality.

The experience of a life time for our 2023/24 Green Squad.

Professor Michael Tonkin - AM, King's Birthday Honours

Professor Michael Tonkin - AM, King's Birthday Honours

Michael Tonkin Hand Surgeon

Professor Michael Tonkin, a former Sydney University Cricket Club Player, was awarded a Member of the Order (AM) in yesterdays King’s Birthday Honours, for services to medicine as a hand surgeon, and to professional associations.

The entire SUCC community sends their congratulations.